Systematic Review
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the mechanical complications of ischemic heart disease: papillary muscle rupture, left ventricle rupture and post-infarct ventricular septal defect
Pages: 195-209 -
Effects of concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting on early and late mortality in the treatment of post-infarction mechanical complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Pages: 210-225 -
Surgical ventricular reconstruction for ischemic cardiomyopathy—a systematic review and meta-analysis of 7,685 patients
Pages: 226-238 -
Surgical management for mechanical complications of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review of long-term outcomes
Pages: 239-251 -
Surgical treatment of post-infarction papillary muscle rupture: systematic review and meta-analysis
Pages: 252-260
Keynote Lecture Series
Post-infarction ventricular septal rupture
Pages: 261-267 -
Sutureless repair techniques for post-infarction left ventricular free wall rupture
Pages: 268-272 -
Triple patch technique to repair ventricular septal rupture
Pages: 273-280 -
Mitral valve repair in papillary muscle rupture
Pages: 281-289 -
Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm: the niche of post-infarction mechanical complications
Pages: 290-298 -
Sutureless repair of subacute left ventricular free wall rupture
Pages: 299-303 -
Pre- and post-operative mechanical circulatory support in surgical repair of post-acute myocardial infarction mechanical complications
Pages: 304-309
Featured Articles
Impact of COVID-19 on the incidence of post-acute myocardial infarction mechanical complications
Pages: 319-321 -
Overview of prevalence, trends, and outcomes of post myocardial infarction mechanical complications
Pages: 322-324 -
The use of mechanical circulatory support in post-acute myocardial infarction mechanical complications
Pages: 325-327
Art of Operative Techniques
Masters of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Extended sandwich patch technique to repair ventricular septal rupture
Pages: 337-339 -
The worst MitraClip Scenario: acute mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle rupture
Pages: 340-342 -
Emergent repair of post myocardial infarction ventricular septal defect with prophylactic left ventricular assist device
Pages: 343-345 -
Managing and repairing ventricular free-wall rupture: the triple-patch technique
Pages: 346-348 -
Surgical repair techniques for partial or total ischemic papillary muscle rupture
Pages: 349-350

Prof. Roberto Lorusso,
Maastricht, Netherlands
Maastricht, Netherlands