Preface—frozen elephant trunk
Pages: E1
Systematic Review
Keynote Lecture Series
Frozen elephant trunk with Frozenix prosthesis
Pages: 152-163 -
Frozen elephant trunk with straight vascular prosthesis
Pages: 164-169
Featured Articles
Open total arch replacement with trifurcated graft and frozen elephant trunk
Pages: 170-177 -
Results of frozen elephant trunk from the international E-vita Open registry
Pages: 178-188 -
Hybrid arch frozen elephant trunk repair: evidence from the Canadian Thoracic Aortic Collaborative
Pages: 189-196 -
Is the frozen elephant trunk technique justified for chronic type A aortic dissection in Marfan syndrome?
Pages: 197-208 -
Renal protective effect of the aortic balloon occlusion technique in total arch replacement with frozen elephant trunk
Pages: 209-219
Frozen elephant trunk—the Bologna experience
Pages: 220-222 -
Aortic arch repair with frozen elephant trunk versus conventional elephant trunk
Pages: 223-225 -
Distal repair after frozen elephant trunk: open or endovascular?
Pages: 226-227 -
Frozen elephant trunk: reflections of the UK Aortic Group
Pages: 228-229 -
The frozen elephant trunk technique in acute and chronic aortic dissection: intraoperative setting and patient selection are key to success
Pages: 230-232 -
Acute type A aortic dissection: the role of frozen elephant trunk
Pages: 233-235
Art of Operative Techniques
Masters of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Normothermic frozen elephant trunk surgery without circulatory arrest: how we do it in Ancona
Pages: 244-245 -
Mini-access branch-first total arch replacement and frozen elephant trunk procedure—how I do it
Pages: 246-247 -
Arch replacement for acute type A aortic dissection using a single fenestrated frozen elephant trunk technique
Pages: 248-250 -
Total arch repair with frozen elephant trunk for type A acute aortic dissection: the “zone 0 arch repair” strategy
Pages: 251-253 -
Use of the frozen elephant trunk technique for type B aortic dissection and aberrant right subclavian artery: an anatomic repair of the “arteria lusoria”
Pages: 254-256 -
Frozen elephant trunk: debranch first technique
Pages: 257-258 -
Aortic arch replacement using the branch-first and frozen elephant trunk techniques
Pages: 259-261 -
Aortic valve sparing and hybrid arch frozen elephant trunk repair for mega-aortic syndrome
Pages: 262-264

Guest Editors:
Roberto Di Bartolomeo,
Davide Pacini,
Bologna, Italy
Roberto Di Bartolomeo,
Davide Pacini,
Bologna, Italy