%0 Journal Article %T Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest %A Ziganshin, Bulat A. %A Elefteriades, John A. %J Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery %D 2013 %B 2013 %9 %! Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest %K %X Effective cerebral protection remains the principle concern during aortic arch surgery. Hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) is entrenched as the primary neuroprotection mechanism since the 70s, as it slows injury-inducing pathways by limiting cerebral metabolism. However, increases in HCA duration has been associated with poorer neurological outcomes, necessitating the adjunctive use of antegrade (ACP) and retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP). ACP has superseded RCP as the preferred perfusion strategy as it most closely mimic physiological perfusion, although there exists uncertainty regarding several technical details, such as unilateral versus bilateral perfusion, flow rate and temperature, perfusion site, undue trauma to head vessels, and risks of embolization. Nevertheless, we believe that the convenience, simplicity and effectiveness of straight DHCA justifies its use in the majority of elective and emergency cases. The following perspective offers a historical and clinical comparison of the DHCA with other techniques of cerebral protection. %U https://www.annalscts.com/article/view/2002 %V 2 %N 3 %P 303-315 %@ 2304-1021