Chronic thoracoabdominal aortic dissection: endovascular options to obliterate the false lumen
Background: Persistent false lumen patency in chronic thoracoabdominal aortic dissections after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) contributes to negative aortic remodeling. We have previously described the evolution of various endovascular techniques to treat persistent false lumen perfusion including false lumen embolization. Objectives of this study are to describe endovascular techniques to obliterate the false lumen and present updated outcomes in a recent series of patients undergoing false lumen embolization for chronic aortic dissection.
Methods: From January 2018 to May 2021, 17 patients with chronic dissection underwent false lumen embolization with coils, iliac plugs, and nitinol plugs. This was often in conjunction with or following TEVAR and balloon fracture fenestration. Mean follow-up 354±324 days.
Results: After false lumen embolization there was no mortality, stroke, spinal cord ischemia, or visceral and limb ischemia. No patients required dialysis, though 1 (5.9%) did experience acute kidney injury. There was 1 (5.9%) patient that required endovascular re-intervention on the thoracoabdominal aorta. No patients underwent subsequent open surgical repair.
Conclusions: TEVAR with adjunctive false lumen embolization and balloon fracture fenestration are techniques to obliterate retrograde flow into the false lumen of chronic thoracoabdominal aortic dissections in appropriately selected patients.