Outcomes of reoperations after Ross procedure
Background: Potential for difficult reoperations has been a concern for patients undergoing a Ross procedure. Data regarding the outcomes of such reoperations is extremely limited. We examined our experience to define the current scope and risk of these operations.
Methods: Between 1996 and 2020, 83 patients who had a previous Ross procedure underwent 89 reoperative surgeries. There were 72 males and average age was 48 with a range of 18–76. Twenty-four patients had more than one prior reoperation, with five patients having more than one reoperation post Ross. Patients were stratified by primary reason for reoperation including autograft dysfunction, homograft dysfunction, or other cardiac surgical problems. Demographic, operative, and outcomes data were collected from clinical records and placed in a secure data base for analysis.
Results: A total of 176 procedures were done in the 89 operations. Autograft dysfunction affected 68 patients. Homograft dysfunction affected 27 patients. Both of these were seen in 17 patients. Other cardiac problems required 79 other procedures. There were two (2.2%) operative deaths, with perioperative morbidity affecting six patients (6.7%). Survival following reoperation after Ross was 82.3% and 77.5% (±2), at ten and fifteen years respectively.
Conclusions: Reoperations after a Ross procedure can be challenging but can be done with a high degree of safety and long-term benefit in experienced hands.